Tråden startades av: Pilot  2014-07-17 10:45:40
Life as a pilot

1. We don’t make as much money as you think.

As of May 2014, the average pilot income was $75,000. That’s an average. My salary in the first year with the airlines, based out of New York’s JFK International Airport, was $21,109. This is why pilots fall on a free continental breakfast like locusts. The days of making $300,000 a year for five days of work per month went out with smoking on an airplane.

2. We don’t see our families too often.

In a 30-day month, the average airline pilot will only work 12-15 days. But when you consider that most pilots commute to work from out of state, a normal four-day trip actually takes six days to complete. If a pilot gets two assignments back-to-back with insufficient time in between to return home, he or she could be gone for weeks at a time.

3. Just because we fly to exotic destinations doesn’t mean we get to see them.

Once, when queried by a friend as to what Belfast, Ireland, looked like, I simply replied, “Cleveland.” For the most part, layovers are so short that a pilot will stay at a hotel with a view of the airport he or she just landed at. In most cases you have enough time to shower, eat, get some rest, and be ready to do it all again tomorrow.

4. We hate delays as much as you do.

Pilots hate delays for two reasons: First, as stated above, downtime is at a minimum at the destination already. Any time spent in delay just means there will be less time to actually explore or unwind once you land. Second, pilots are paid based on actual flight hours. So any time spent perusing the magazine rack while delayed means you’re at work but not getting paid. (To put salt in the wound, refer back to #1.)

5. We spend a lot of time at places called “crash pads.”

I’ve always found it a little ironic that the temporary housing for pilots is called a crash pad. I would have voted for “land safely pad.” Truth is, pilots need a place to stay between trips — when commuting in the night before a trip, or when a schedule deems that a pilot be on call or “reserve.” It works like this: You rent a bunkbed in a four-bedroom apartment with 30 other pilots for around $300 per month. My first year at the airlines, I spent more nights sleeping on Incredible Hulk sheets in a bunkbed in Queens than I did at home.

6. The community isn’t as tight as you’d think.

There’s a common misconception that all pilots know each other. The truth is most pilots from the same airline don’t even know each other. As you sit by your gate and watch the captain and first officer shake hands, chances are that’s the first time they’ve ever met. And after 30 hours in the air and four days on the road, that will probably be the last time they ever fly together.

7. We have to be very careful with alcohol.

The mantra of drinking aviators is “eight hours bottle to throttle” (12 hours at some airlines), meaning that on layovers a pilot must finish the last cocktail and practice an eight-hour prohibition before getting back in the cockpit. This fact on an already short layover, coupled with expensive hotel lobby bars (when making a little over $20,000 a year), and the threat of a random breathalyzer at your gate, persuades most to wait until they get home.

8. Although we get to fly for free on our days off, it’s not as great as it sounds.

After 25 days of flying, the last thing I want to do is climb back in that metal tube and go somewhere. This job perk isn’t actually a confirmed free ticket. It’s simply the opportunity to fill any empty seat on an airplane. If flights to your destination have canceled and they’re trying to get paying customers to their destination by filling the next flight, your vacation may be delayed by days.

9. Holidays are not sacred.

The busiest travel days of the year happen to be holidays. While your family is opening gifts buzzed on eggnog, you’re stuck in some airport hotel trying to find the only open restaurant in town. Since the airlines don’t find holidays sacred, forget ever being home for an anniversary or birthday.

10. We’re even more bored in the air than you are.

According to the rules, there are not to be any reading materials in the cockpit with the exception of pertinent manuals. While passengers kick back to read that new softcover purchased specifically for the long flight, your pilots are staring at needles and gauges watching every minute go by. If your copilot and you don’t quite “click,” a six-hour flight can feel like an eternity.

And why, despite the above, it’s all worth it…

So why do pilots keep coming back for more? I give this example:

It was on a night flight from Calgary to Belfast. As we first started to cross the ocean, we could see below that a series of thunderstorms were in full swing. The blasts of light rivaled even the best firework shows. Without notice, a green glow began to fill the horizon. The aurora borealis had started its own show. As we watched both beautiful natural phenomena in crescendo, my copilot broke the awed silence to say, “Well, this is why we do what we do.”

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2014-07-25 16:28:17
SV: Life as a pilot
Det gick som det brukar gå med många flygbolag tyvärr, allting har ett slut och Swedline varade ju väldigt länge för att vara ett flygbolag då det egentligen bara var en namnändring av AB Värmlandsflyg.
2014-07-25 00:31:27
SV: Life as a pilot
Grattis Gunnar, hur går det på swedline?
2014-07-25 00:09:15
SV: Life as a pilot
Ja är det inte ett förfärligt arbete så säg. Jag tjänar bra och stortrivs, mycket ledigt och bra betalt. Dessutom är det ett högstatusyrke till skillnad från IT-chef, produktansvarig på Ericsson, Controller eller fastighetsmäklare etc. De är dessutom sönderstressade ofta och ganska olyckliga i många fall, jag lever drömmen som är få förunnat och får dessutom pengar för det i ganska rejäla mängder om man räknar arbetstid. Jag har dessutom möjlighet att driva annan verksamhet vid sidan om då det finns gott om tid. Helt enkelt lycklig med mitt liv.
2014-07-23 09:54:09
SV: Life as a pilot
Här är en liknande artikel för hur det är i Skandinavien.

time is changing
2014-07-20 00:51:09
SV: Life as a pilot
Swedline? Haha. det var 8 år sedan! Mycket har hänt i branschen sedan dess, och stora förändringar är på gång. Varför är du inte kvar om det är så bra?
2014-07-19 23:37:48
SV: Life as a pilot
Jag tjänade 575000:- om året när jag jobbade på Swedline när det begav sig, det finns absolut många som tjänar runt miljonen idag. Många av mina gamla kollegor tjänar runt där.
Sv Monster
2014-07-19 21:20:16
SV: Life as a pilot
Årslön över 1 000 000 är inte allt för många piloter som har, och de lär minska allt eftersom de som har kvar fina kontrakt går i pension
2014-07-19 19:20:20
SV: Life as a pilot
Urban du har sååå fel! Känner ingen på bussen eller tåget som tjänar 1 000 000 kr om året! Läs på veeetttja!
2014-07-18 19:36:43
SV: Life as a pilot
Kombinera pilotyrket på deltid med att tex arbeta som busschaufför för SL i Stockholm eller där du bor. Det är ju ganska lika. Eller som lokförare.
Jer vej int
2014-07-18 18:29:16
SV: Life as a pilot
Genmäle till "därför"; Det är aldrig för sent att skola om sig. Till exempelvis så skulle du kunna till professionell bärplockare å arbeta med detta under 3 intensiva månader. Du ger dig iväg till bärmarkerna kl 03.00 å återkommer vid 21.00, alla veckans dagar. Du tar en snabbdusch, äter max 600 kalorier å inhämtar en härlig sömn under 4 timmar. Raskt hoppar du upp på morgonen, slänger i dig en slät kopp kaffe å uti skogen du ånyo far. förutom alla bär du plockar så blir du garanterat slim, senig å ser ut som en boxare i fjädervikt (max 57 kg)...Kvinnorna som får en skymt av dig blir alldeles våta i trosorna av åtrå...Bara positiva resultat av att omskola sig från en fläskig å fet pilot till framtidens yrke....Berry picker.....
2014-07-18 17:38:45
SV: Life as a pilot
Stämmer ganska bra men det här är skrivet av en amerikansk long haul pilot och det kan se ganska annorlunda ut för en europeisk kollega.

Dock väldigt bra att belysa verkligheten som en motkraft till myten och flygskolornas version om det glamourösa pilotlivet! Man bör verkligen tänka sig för innan man satsar på det här yrket!
2014-07-18 17:28:59
SV: Life as a pilot
skit!!!!!!!!11..vill fortfarande bli pilot :)
2014-07-17 16:17:31
SV: Life as a pilot
Wonderer måste vara helt ur funktion, alla har väl full rätt att klaga på det de är missnöjda med.
2014-07-17 14:33:57
SV: Life as a pilot
Sent att skola om sig till något annat.
Att sitta med skulder för två utbildningar är inte optimalt.
2014-07-17 11:23:20
SV: Life as a pilot
Why complain about your job, no one stops you from doing anything else! ;-)


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