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Turkish Airlines tillbakavisar kritik mot flygbolaget

Flygnyheter, Anders Carlsson, 2011-12-15
Enligt danska media finns det stora säkerhetsproblem i Turkish Airlines. Framför allt gäller det språkkunskaperna och att den snabba tillväxten i bolaget skapat en pilotbrist som fyllts med okvalificerade piloter.
Men nu går Turkish Airlines till motangrepp mot de anklagelser som man anser enbart grundar sig på anonyma källor.
– Vi tillbakavisar starkt de anklagelser som står i Politiken, säger vd Temel Kotil.

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 Tråden startades av: Djalil Fardsadeg  2015-02-04 10:26:18
KopplingTurkish Airlines tillbakavisar kritik mot flyg ... 
Turkish Airlines cancelled my flight Istanbul-Gothenburg and I got to wait 24 hours in the Airport. They promised me 400 € compensation according to the EU – Regulation, but they never paid it. Simply they cheated me. They don’t either answer my letters. I consider Turkish Airlines as an unreliable and irresponsible company. The personal often become angry and aggressive. I got the feeling that the staff act ignorant and unfriendly.

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2015-02-06 21:59:22
SV: Turkish Airlines tillbakavisar kritik mot ...
Well my friend, I thought the "high-class" Star Aliance would help you in such cases?

According to writers here, the "beloved" Star Alliance is a substitute for "god", so are we dealing here with another example that this upspoken alliance is not worth more than a DY-ticket in case of delay/cancellation, as descibed by Djalil Fardsadeg ?
Not too bad.
2015-02-07 10:02:49
SV: Turkish Airlines tillbakavisar kritik mot ...
I had a TK flight cancelled from Stockholm last year....I told them which flight I wanted instead and they arranged a SAS flight to AMS then continue to IST from there. Left Stockholm about 3 hours later that schedule and arrived about 5-6 hours late in IST but no problems and no questions, they rebooked me...BUT I had to look up the flight and tell them what I wanted.


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