Tråden startades av: Cassandra  2019-08-08 18:28:02
Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew 
Någon annan som sökt in till CityJet Cabin Crew utb?
Sen undrar jag om nån som jobbar/jobbat föt dom har några för eller nackdelar?

Svar på ovanstående inlägg (Senaste längst ner). Ändra sortering

2019-08-16 09:21:46
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
+ Good salaries
+ Easy to grow in the company (Cabin supervisor after 1 year, you can apply for becoming instructor in first aid, crm or other fields
+ Block hour payment
+ Multicultural company!
+ 6 weeks holiday
+ ID tickets, a part of MyIDTravel

- You have to deduct your own taxes
- Unfair planning, some work more then others in periods
- A little too much focus on how to look at work (grooming guidelines etc)
- Many SBY days in periods
2019-08-16 14:01:33
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
Jag talade med en tjej som arbetat åt dem tidigare. Hon sade att det fanns många fördelar men att de också arbetar väldigt mycket.
2019-08-16 18:30:54
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
What is a good salary?
A wage under Estonian Lithuanian Irish regulations where no social taxes are paid in Scandinavia with the blessing of our national disaster SAS!
A contract where you deduct and pay your own taxes an airline paying no social fees...yep!that's the future...Ireland should be banned from Europe but that need "balls"from the EU Commission to decide and stop low cost labour....
2019-08-17 01:45:03
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
Schemat i Cabin är 5-2 och svårt att requesta lediga dagar.
Ibland någon standby men räkna med 4 nätter borta i rad varenda vecka. Iväg dag 1 och hem dag 5.
Passar det så sök. Men det passar inte alla och det är en av anledningarna att personalomsättningen är stor.
2019-08-17 14:34:23
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
I vilka städer är layovers?
2019-08-19 10:12:16
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
Well im guessing the starter if this post is applying for the ARN base, and yes the salaries are good in my opinion, and also the social fee is payd for us, its just the income taxes thats not - a small hussle, no biggie.. Its not Only 5:2 for the whole month, that would never add up with the CLA when it comes to minimum days off, weekend off. The layovers is mostly in Scandinavia, but also in Finland, Germany, Poland, Baltic ++

This job is not a lifelong plan for anyone anymore, its way to hard on the body and mind in the long run. If you are looking for a 100 % employment, to earn som good money on the way and get some new experiences, why not?
2019-08-21 22:36:51
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
Thank you very much for the answers. I have applied and im going to the final meeting september 17th in Stockholm. All my test and phone interviews has been approved. I hope i actually can join the team, it will be my first job as a CC. Does anyone of you know what the basic salery is for a first timer?
2019-08-26 12:07:57
SV: Cityjet ARN Cabin Crew
I think the JCC starter salary at ARN base is 19000 something, then 4000-5000 in block hour payment + per diem for overnights (depends where you do layovers) will say 29.000-30.000 before taxes.


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