Tråden startades av: Joe  2019-08-20 15:12:50
My mini horse onboard? 
Hi guys, I hope to find some answers regarding my mini horse. Is it okey to have a mini horse onboard SAS flights. They just changed the rules in the US regarding traveling with mini horses.

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2019-08-22 20:15:02
SV: My mini horse onboard?
#Rabbits It most certainly does! Maybe another kind of rabbit would help...
2019-08-22 11:08:56
SV: My mini horse onboard?
God Bless the World from America/Trump!
2019-08-21 21:59:11
SV: My mini horse onboard?
If a US person cannot bring his horse on a SK flight Donald Trump Will not fly with SK.
2019-08-21 20:01:16
SV: My mini horse onboard?
No it doesn't. I work with airport assistance, and once a girl came with a rabbit/bunny, as "emotional support". Many times it's passenger with autism diagnosis, etc, who has created a special bond with an animal, it doesn't have to be a dog. But yes - usually it is.
2019-08-21 16:48:48
SV: My mini horse onboard?
Only in America..... and the world can’t stop laughing!
2019-08-21 12:02:59
SV: My mini horse onboard?
I believe the concept of "emotional support animal" only exist in the US. In Europe your animal needs to be a certified service animal to fly with you.
2019-08-21 07:25:42
SV: My mini horse onboard?
I am certain that SAS would want your horse to travel in the cargohold, in an animal cage. To be certain you should contact SAS.
2019-08-20 22:40:16
SV: My mini horse onboard?
Joe, God bless you.
2019-08-20 21:30:20
SV: My mini horse onboard?
Read today in some media that SAS only allows dogs as service-animals.
2019-08-20 18:27:32
SV: My mini horse onboard?
No its not a pony, its a very small horse:

I have one as a service animal, like a service dog, but a horse. They say its good for my blood pressure.

Please if you know where i can find the regulation at SAS domestic flight?
2019-08-20 17:54:01
SV: My mini horse onboard?
Hi Joe, excuse my ignorance but what’s a mini horse, a pony?
sv Joe
2019-08-20 15:31:24
SV: My mini horse onboard?
Why don't ask SAS?


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