Tråden startades av: Alvaro  2020-07-25 12:48:29
Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm 
I need to renew my EASA A320 rating in Stockholm

Anyone know of a TRE in the stockholm area that has access to a 320 sim? As well, I'm looking for a sim partner so if you need to renew your 320 please le me know.
076 0621800

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2020-08-17 11:40:20
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm you!
2020-08-16 22:29:43
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
@Alvaro. Do you have an e-mail adress?
2020-08-11 10:55:31
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
@Peter. I will appreciate if you can give it to me. Thank you
2020-08-10 16:37:30
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm

Fråga den som ställde frågan. Jag personligen har jobb så flyger dagligen.
2020-08-10 11:51:24
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
@Alvaro. You can get his email from me if you want.
2020-08-09 12:32:17
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Hej igen @John Dahlberg. Can I get your phone number or email to contact you? Thank you
2020-08-06 08:28:16
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Om ett pass per år räcker för dig att prestera bra på en intervju så kör på. Personligen hade jag varit rätt så rostig. Dessutom så är det många piloter som väntar på återanställning innan bolag börjar titta på piloter utifrån, så väntan kan bli flera år för er som inte har någon anknytning till ett bolag.
2020-08-05 13:22:49
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
@John Dahlberg. Hej, can I contact you to discuss my situation?
Miss Moneypenny
2020-08-04 21:29:22
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Ja där ser man, det finns en hel värld som ser till att folk måste flyga fast de inte har några pilotjobb! :-)
Råger Måre
2020-08-04 16:09:06
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm

Nej, det är för att förlänga TR, inte för att "pay2fly".
2020-08-04 13:33:36
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Sett fler annonser om pay to fly Airbus igen. Är det dessa ni som tar TR för ska börja betala för att flyga för nu?
2020-08-04 11:07:54
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Ja, därför att priset blir ju detsamma? Antingen kör du 1+1 eller 0+2. Bättre då att ha den valid hela tiden och bara göra ett simpass istället för 0 nu och sen 2.
2020-08-02 14:07:39
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Vad menas med drylease vid simulator?
2020-08-02 11:45:07
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Since the job market probably will be dead during the upcoming winter why not wait until next year?
Better to do it close to an upcoming interview.

“Expiry longer than 3 months but shorter than 1 year: a minimum of two training sessions”
2020-08-02 09:35:53
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
@ Jonny

CRJ Sim drylease, 400-450 euro/h

Finns även CRJ sim i AMS
2020-08-01 10:56:01
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
@John Dahlberg

Vad kostar en OPC/LPC på CRJ på CAE?
John Dahlberg
2020-07-29 09:33:02
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
@Johnny... Det finns en på CAE Arlanda sedan tre veckor tillbaka
2020-07-28 14:42:04
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Not if you have lost your job at SAS.
2020-07-28 13:16:50
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
CAE i Köpenhamn samt Lufthansa i Berlin.
2020-07-27 22:52:51
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
John Dahlberg! Finns det någon CRJ sim någonstans?
John Dahlberg
2020-07-27 20:07:48
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
I am examiner at CAE in Stockholm, we will be happy assisting you to revalidate/Renew your licenser!
2020-07-27 11:40:04
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
If you need to renew your rating (rating expired), then you'll have to go through an ATO. If you need to revalidate your rating (rating still valid), then you only need an examiner.
2020-07-26 19:59:38
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Hi Alvaro,

Have you asked CAE? I thought they did refresher arrangements and renewals as well?

Best of luck,
2020-07-26 12:25:16
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Hi, I am not working for SAS, I am jobless now and I want to renew my type rating as it expired in June. So I am willing to pay. But I need a TRE and a partner to do it. If there is anyone else in my case we could share expenses.
2020-07-26 11:21:32
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
But SAS pilots are rostered to do it within their company.
Works like this in all airlines.
2020-07-26 00:39:48
SV: Need to renew my A320 type rating in Stockholm
Must be lot of SAS pilots needing this.


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